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Celebrating 100 years of Innovation Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation

Rigby Taylor Product Brochure – Edition 21 NOW AVAILABLE

Rigby Taylor’s product range brochure is now available in both a printed and digital format.

This annual brochure is the ‘go-to’ publication for professional turf managers when seeking to source and apply the very best products to maintain the health, protection and sustainability of natural sports and recreational surfaces. 

It is also the first publication that has been produced under the management of Origin Amenity Solutions Limited. OAS are a major investor in the amenity industry and a company that has a commitment to excellence through the identification, development and supply of Rigby Taylor’s innovative products and services.
This has revolutionized the health and playability of the UK’s sporting and recreational surfaces. 

Take a closer look with the link below at relavant sections of the brochure



Specialities -1

Specialities -2

Grass Seed

Flower Seed


Line Marking

Sports Equipment

To request a printed copy email – or call 01204 677777

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